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Neill Blomkamp releases NEW Alien 5 concept art!

Neill Blomkamp releases NEW Alien 5 concept art!

Scified2017-12-27 13:30:14
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Is Alien 5 still happening? Neill Blomkamp, the filmmaker who made ripples in the Alien fandom years ago when he unveiled secret concept art for his all but shelved Alien 5 project has once again stirred up excitement and enthusiasm by cryptically releasing two new pieces of Alien 5 concept art through his personal Instagram account. The two new pieces showcase a soldier's perspective facing a terrifying Xenomorph in an air shaft and the second piece is of a USCM Dropship - identical to the ones shown in James Cameron's ALIENS, check them out:

What does this mean? We're not entirely sure. We know Fox had plans to revisit Blomkamp's Alien project at one point but were waiting for Ridley Scott's Prometheus trilogy to run its course first. However, since Disney acquired Fox's film assets including the Alien franchise, rumors have surfaced that Disney plans to shelve the Alien: Covenant sequel. Although this rumor remains unconfirmed, the likelihood of Disney pursuing Alien 5 seem more likely given their obsession with nostalgia-driven sequels and spin-offs (ie. Star Wars).

Blomkamp sharing these images may be the first step in announcing his project's revival under the franchise's new leadership. Regardless, we'll keep you posted as new developments surface.

Written by ChrisPublished on 2017-12-27 13:30:14
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4 Fan responses to Neill Blomkamp releases NEW Alien 5 concept art!


Dec-28-2017 12:14 AM

That first image is terrifying AF!

Hope the script had more horror/suspense aspects than action though?


Dec-28-2017 12:48 AM

This is Blomkamp taking advantage of the Back Lash to Alien Covenant and with Disney now taking Owner ship.

This could stir up a craze of Fanboys going WOW, this is what a ALIEN movie should be like, and if Fans get excited about these images it could signal Disney to think that a ALIEN 5 is the way forwards for the Franchise as it would be the most Marketable way to go

The thing is Blomkamps ideas appear to just be a Re-Hash and Fan-Service i cant see not much NEW being explored here but then with Disney they would want to play it Safe with what could make $$$$$ and there is more chance now of Blomkamps Alien 5 Fan Service Flick happening.

I also think there is a chance we could see a AVP Re-boot and would not be shocked if Alien 5 is made, down the line and introduces a Predator Element to set up a AVP Continuation.


Dec-28-2017 1:33 AM

If Blomkamp's movie return back the RHNB party - this will be good.


I always thought - the old idea with good performance better than new idea with awkward performance.


Jan-05-2018 12:16 AM

If we don’t get a film using all the work undertaken on the proposed film, I would love to see a game version instead. If done well like Isolation then it could be awesome!

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